California Coastal Cleanup Day

Held in more than 100 countries around the world every September, the International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) is the world’s largest effort to rid the ocean and waterways of plastics and marine debris.  California Coastal Cleanup is typically the third Saturday of September. The cleanup brings awareness to the marine litter problem and provides a community event for direct involvement.  

Los Serenos “adopted” Abalone Cove in 1988 as part of the Ocean Conservancy’s Adopt-a-Beach program. When a group “adopts” a beach, they can be counted on to participate in the annual event and promote clean beaches throughout the year in conjunction with its school/community programs. Groups are encouraged to re-adopt at the end of the year, helping to tackle the urgent problem of marine debris head-on.  See a history of California Coastal Cleanup Day.  (Our September Public Nature Walk is devoted to this cleanup effort at Abalone Cove)